Current Statistics of Women in Aviation Careers in the U.S.

Women in Aviation: The Stats

With more than 20,000 members in 120 countries, Women in Aviation International is the largest nonprofit organization in the world dedicated to increasing the number of women involved in all areas of aviation and aerospace. 

Women have been involved in aviation since its earliest days. From  E. Lillian Todd , who designed and built aircraft in 1906 to Helen Richey, who became the first woman pilot for a U.S. commercial airline in 1934, women have assumed a variety of roles in the industry. At the close of the 20th century, astronaut Eileen Collins became the first female space shuttle commander.

During the last two decades, the number of women involved in the aviation industry has steadily increased and women can be found in nearly every aviation occupation today. However, the numbers are small by comparison. Women pilots, for example, represent only six percent of the total pilot population.

At the first Women in Aviation Conference in 1990, participants recognized the need for more women in the industry and for a support group to serve as mentors, advisors and interested colleagues. Following a number of successful conferences, Women in Aviation International (WAI) was established as a nonprofit organization in 1994 to address those needs. In 2024, the annual Women in Aviation conference attracted more than 5,000 attendees from all over the world. 


Source: FAA's Aeronautical Center (December 31st, 2020 data)

All Women
691,691 Pilots (total) 58,541 8.4%
222,629 Students 31,687 14.2%
105 Recreational 6 5.7%
6,643 Sport 259 3.9%
160,860 Private* 11,316 6.6%
103,879 Commercial* 7,724 7.0%
164,193 Airline Transport* 7,549 4.6%
13,629 Rotorcraft (only) NA NA
19,753 Glider (only) NA NA
117,558 Flight Instructors** 8,592 7.3%
206,322 Remote Pilots*** 14,882 7.2%

* Includes pilots with an airplane only certificate. Also includes those with an airplane and a helicopter and/or glider certificate. For example, if a pilot holds a private airplane certificate and a commercial helicopter certificate, the pilot would be categorized as commercial.

** Not included in total pilots.

***Remote pilot certification started in August 2016. These numbers are not included in the pilot totals.


Source: FAA's Aeronautical Center (December 31st, 2020 data)

All Women
724,307 Non Pilot (total) 218,964 30.2%
306,301 Mechanic* 7,860 2.6%
36,741 Repairmen* 1,995 5.4%
7,014 Parachute Rigger* 711 10.1%
71,991 Ground Instructor* 5,603 7.8%
23,286 Dispatcher* 4,586 19.7%
36 Flight Navigator 0
248,742 Flight Attendant 196,902 79.2%
30,196 Flight Engineer 1,307 4.3%

* Numbers represent all certificates on record. No medical examination required.

*Pilots (Women)

Source: FAA's Aeronautical Center (December 31st, 2020 data)

2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000
Student (1) 31,687 14.2% 27,255 13.8% 22,266 13.3% 19,219 9.8% 15,971 12.43% 14,580 11.88% 14,369 11.95% 14,405 11.98% 14,643 12.21% 14,683 12.37% 14,767 12.40% 8,450 11.69% 9,127 11.27% 9,559 11.33% 9,640 11.36% 9,717 11.14% 9,857 11.21% 9,897 11.34% 10,082 11.72% 10,230 11.80% 10,809 11.61%
Recreational 6 5.7% 7 5.5% 10 6.9% 14 10.5% 15 8.57% 16 8.42% 16 6.72% 17 7.14% 16 7.34% 18 7.93% 12 5.66% 13 5.56% 20 7.94% 17 7.11% 17 7.11% 20 7.19% 21 7.22% 24 7.74% 23 7.26% 20 6.33% 26 7.65%
Sport 259 3.9% 254 3.9% 240 3.8% 229 3.5% 223 3.79% 211 3.85% 192 3.98% 174 3.61% 152 3.38% 135 3.32% 118 3.20% 98 3.02% 79 3.01% 64 3.15% 26 2.77% 7 5.22% NA NA NA NA NA
Private 11,316 6.6% 10,683 6.6% 10,255 6.3% 9,971 7.0% 10,009 6.17% 11,339 6.64% 11,652 6.47% 11,909 6.61% 12,456 6.63% 12,927 6.65% 13,566 6.72% 14,322 6.77% 15,015 6.75% 13,694 6.49% 14,111 6.44% 14,517 6.35% 15,036 6.37% 15,487 6.42% 15,906 6.49% 13,894 5.70% 14,554 5.79%
Commercial 7,724 7.0% 7,038 7.0% 6,556 6.6% 6,267 6.7% 6,081 6.33% 6,587 6.51% 6,685 6.18% 6,911 6.39% 7,536 6.47% 7,956 6.58% 8,175 6.61% 8,289 6.59% 8,083 6.48% 7,101 6.17% 7,236 6.15% 7,315 6.06% 7,421 6.05% 7,436 6.00% 7,454 5.92% 5,932 4.92% 5,807 4.77%
Airline Transport 7,549 4.6% 7,503 4.5% 7,136 4.4% 6,994 4.1% 6,888 4.36% 6,554 4.24% 6,408 4.28% 6,205 4.14% 5,818 4.00% 5,597 3.93% 5,580 3.92% 5,636 3.90% 5,657 3.85% 5,349 3.72% 5,071 3.57% 5,008 3.53% 4,908 3.45% 4,850 3.38% 4,792 3.31% 4,630 3.20% 4,411 3.12%
Flight Instructor (2) 8,592 7.3% 7,957 7.0% 7,335 6.8% 7,105 6.3% 6,848 6.56% 6,669 6.50% 6,521 6.60% 6,386 6.46% 6,371 6.48% 6,350 6.52% 6,359 6.59% 6,362 6.71% 6,293 6.75% 6,232 6.76% 6,158 6.74% 6,067 6.70% 5,970 6.66% 5,811 6.62% 5,667 6.58% 5,386 6.50% 5,193 6.42%
Remote Pilots (3) 14,882 7.2% 10,818 6.7% 6,188 5.8% 3,462 48.7% 793 3.89% NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Total 58,541 8.4% 52,740 7.9% 46,463 7.3% 42,694 6.8% 39,187 6.71% 39,287 6.66% 39,322 6.56% 39,621 6.61% 40,621 6.65% 41,316 6.69% 42,218 6.73% 36,808 6.19% 37,981 6.19% 35,784 6.06% 36,101 6.05% 36,584 6.00% 37,423 6.02% 37,694 6.03% 38,257 6.06% 34,706 5.67% 35,607 5.69%

(1) July 2010, validity increased under age 40 from 36 to 60 months.

(2) Not included in total pilots.

(3) Remote pilot certification started in August 2016. These numbers are not included in the pilot totals.

Pilots (Men and Women)

Source: FAA's Aeronautical Center (December 31st, 2020 data)

2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000
Student (1) 222,629 197,665 167,804 149,121 128,501 122,729 120,546 120,285 119,946 118,657 119,119 72,280 80,989 84,339 84,866 87,213 87,910 87,296 85,991 86,731 93,064
Recreational 105 127 144 153 175 190 220 238 218 227 212 234 252 239 239 278 291 310 317 316 340
Sport 6,643 6,467 6,246 6,097 5,889 5,482 5,157 4,824 4,493 4,066 3,682 3,248 2,623 2,031 939 134 NA NA NA NA NA
Private 160,860 161,105 163,145 162,455 162,313 170,718 174,883 180,214 188,001 194,441 202,020 211,619 222,596 211,096 219,233 228,619 235,994 241,045 245,230 243,823 251,561
Commercial 103,897 100,863 99,880 98,161 96,081 101,164 104,332 108,206 116,400 120,865 123,705 125,738 124,746 115,127 117,610 120,614 122,592 123,990 125,920 120,502 121,858
Airline Transport 164,193 164,974 162,145 159,825 157,894 154,730 152,933 149,824 145,590 142,511 142,198 144,600 146,838 143,953 141,935 141,992 142,160 143,504 144,708 144,702 141,596
Rotorcraft (only) 13,629 14,248 15,033 15,355 15,518 15,566 15,511 15,114 15,126 15,220 15,377 15,298 14,647 12,290 10,690 9,518 8,586 7,916 7,770 7,727 7,775
Glider (only) 19,753 19,143 18,139 18,139 17,991 19,460 19,927 20,381 20,802 21,141 21,275 21,268 21,055 21,274 21,597 21,369 21,100 20,950 21,826 8,473 9,387
Flight Instructor (2) 117,558 113,445 106,692 106,692 104,382 102,628 100,993 98,842 98,328 97,409 96,473 94,863 93,202 92,175 91,343 90,555 89,596 87,816 86,089 82,875 80,931
Remote Pilots (3) 206,322 160,302 69,166 69,166 20,362 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Total 691,691 664,565 609,306 609,306 584,362 590,039 593,499 599,086 610,576 617,128 627,588 594,285 613,746 590,349 597,109 609,737 618,633 625,011 631,762 612,274 625,581

1) July 2010, validity increased under age 40 from 36 to 60 months.

(2) Not included in total pilots.

(3) Remote pilot certification started in August 2016. These numbers are not included in the pilot totals.

Non-Pilot (Women)

Source: FAA's Aeronautical Center (December 31st, 2020 data)

2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000
NonPilot (total) 218,964 30.2% 215,905 30.2% 203,725 29.6% 195,993 27.3% 187,914 28.78% 183,259 25.54% 174,000 24.81% 166,294 23.52% 160,452 22.88% 155,918 22.42% 150,019 21.85% 147,052 21.55% 144,968 21.38% 138,452 20.77% 128,192 19.53% 119,850 18.61% 18,666 3.62% 18,030 3.54% 17,612 3.42% 17,114 3.34% 16,552 3.02%
Mechanic* 7,860 2.6% 7,573 2.5% 7,133 2.4% 6,855 2.9% 6,536 2.34% 8,419 2.47% 8,151 2.41% 7,917 2.34% 7,729 2.29% 7,487 2.23% 7,215 2.17% 6,980 2.12% 6,740 2.07% 6,524 2.02% 6,345 1.96% 6,152 1.92% 5,932 1.87% 5,734 1.83% 5,559 1.76% 5,295 1.70% 5,047 1.47%
Repairmen* 1,995 5.4% 1,996 5.5% 1,868 5.3% 1,847 6.5% 1,822 5.29% 2,289 5.79% 2,278 5.63% 2,288 5.73% 2,307 5.70% 2,278 5.58% 2,312 5.60% 2,335 5.64% 2,284 5.56% 2,193 5.44% 2,180 5.41% 2,108 5.27% 2,039 5.20% 1,800 4.83% 1,722 4.64% 1,789 4.46% 1,704 4.46%
Parachute Rigger* 711 10.1% 681 10.0% 631 9.8% 597 13.1% 540 9.23% 811 9.32% 763 9.00% 712 8.39% 697 8.23% 683 8.04% 655 7.79% 633 7.57% 615 7.46% 594 7.26% 584 7.08% 556 6.82% 540 6.74% 521 6.61% 500 6.20% 475 5.99% 509 4.86%
Ground Instructor* 5,603 7.8% 5,340 7.6% 5,085 2.1% 4,924 2.4% 4,771 7.34% 5,907 8.23% 5,889 8.00% 5,869 8.10% 5,853 7.95% 5,880 7.88% 5,894 7.84% 5,860 7.77% 5,785 7.72% 5,726 7.68% 5,669 7.57% 5,612 7.55% 5,500 7.46% 5,385 7.41% 5,321 7.22% 5,169 7.15% 5,154 7.13%
Dispatcher* 4,586 19.7% 4,389 19.4% 4,086 19.0% 3,867 21.8% 3,615 18.30% 4,503 19.48% 4,326 19.79% 4,115 18.37% 3,930 17.98% 3,744 17.53% 3,530 17.06% 3,381 16.79% 3,230 16.49% 3,087 16.21% 2,934 15.77% 2,805 15.52% 2,647 15.13% 2,520 14.86% 2,410 14.44% 2,262 14.08% 2,062 12.62%
Flight Navigator 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1.49% 1 0.87% 1 0.71% 1 0.79% 1 0.71% 1 0.68% 1 0.57% 1 0.55% 1 0.45% 1 0.40% 1 0.38% 1 0.34% 1 0.30% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Flight Attendant** 196,902 79.2% 194,578 79.2% 183,519 79.3% 176,471 71.9% 169,170 79.57% 159,703 84.53% 150,941 87.57% 143,701 80.04% 138,223 80.20% 134,114 80.29% 128,646 80.43% 126,034 80.41% 124,419 80.44% 118,426 80.55% 108,559 80.49% 100,630 80.48% NA NA NA NA NA
Flight Engineer 1,307 4.3% 1,348 4.3% 1,403 4.2% 1,432 4.7% 1,458 4.08% 1,626 3.71% 1,651 3.54% 1,691 3.73% 1,712 3.67% 1,731 3.63% 1,766 3.60% 1,828 3.58% 1,894 3.56% 1,901 3.49% 1,920 3.43% 1,986 3.44% 2,007 3.38% 2,070 3.36% 2,100 3.30% 2,124 3.25% 2,076 3.19%

* Numbers represent all certificates on record. No medical examination required.

** 2005 was the first year the Registry reported Flight Attendants.

Non-Pilot (Men and Women)

Source: FAA's Aeronautical Center (December 31st, 2020 data)

2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000
NonPilot (total) 724,307 714,201 688,002 671,222 652,943 728,329 717,399 707,155 701,291 695,515 686,717 682,315 678,181 666,559 656,227 644,016 515,293 509,835 515,570 513,100 547,453
Mechanic* 306,301 301,087 292,002 286,268 279,435 342,528 341,409 338,844 337,775 335,431 331,989 329,027 326,276 322,852 323,097 320,293 317,111 313,032 315,928 310,850 344,434
Repairmen* 36,741 36,294 35,382 35,040 34,411 39,363 39,566 39,952 40,444 40,802 41,267 41,389 41,056 40,277 40,329 40,030 39,231 37,248 37,114 40,085 38,208
Parachute Rigger* 7,014 6,800 6,430 6,192 5,851 8,846 8,702 8,491 8,474 8,491 8,407 8,362 8,248 8,186 8,252 8,150 8,011 7,883 8,063 7,927 10,477
Ground Instructor* 71,991 69,991 67,784 66,423 65,053 70,957 71,755 72,493 73,599 74,586 75,205 75,461 74,983 74,544 74,849 74,378 73,735 72,692 73,658 72,261 72,326
Dispatcher* 23,286 22,598 21,465 20,664 19,758 23,754 23,113 22,401 21,862 21,363 20,691 20,132 19,590 19,043 18,610 18,079 17,493 16,955 16,695 16,070 16,340
Flight Navigator 36 40 58 64 67 102 115 126 141 146 174 181 222 250 264 298 336 382 431 509 570
Flight Attendant** 248,742 245,699 231,355 222,037 212,607 200,319 188,936 179,531 172,357 167,037 159,946 156,741 154,671 147,013 134,874 125,032 NA NA NA NA NA
Flight Engineer 30,196 31,692 33,526 34,534 35,761 42,460 43,803 45,317 46,639 47,659 49,038 51,022 53,135 52,394 55,952 57,756 59,376 61,643 63,681 65,398 65,098

* Numbers represent all certificates on record. No medical examination required.

** 2005 was the first year the Registry reported Flight Attendants.