Girls in Aviation Day Denver at WAI2025!

Girls ages 8-18 are invited to attend Girls in Aviation Day at Women in Aviation International's 36th Annual Conference. 

Attendees will enjoy their first conference by touring the WAI2025 exhibit hall before coming together for an empowering career panel featuring leading ladies in aviation and aerospace. The Aviation for Girls crew will experience over 25 unique hands-on  STEM activities related to aviation, flight, science, technology, navigation, space, and more lead by role models in the industry. During lunch, attendees will hear about the career journey of our keynote speaker, who will encourage attendees to reach for their dreams and design their own destinies.

Chaperone required. Due to space, only one chaperone is allowed per youth attendee.


Register Now!


Parking: The Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center has generously provided free self service on-site parking for families to attend Girls in Aviation Day! You must have a youth ticket and a chaperone ticket before adding a parking ticket to your cart. (There is a limited quantity available.) 

Aviation for Girls App

  • Available year-round with hours of new content including:

  • Three age-appropriate content tracks

    for elementary, middle school, and high

    school students

  • Meet positive female role models

  • Instructional activity videos

  • Scholarship information

  • Education resources

  • Expanded Aviation for Girls magazine