Call for Presenters
Share Your Expertise and Your Passion!
WAI is looking for dynamic presenters for our 34th Annual Women in Aviation International Conference, February 23-25, 2023 in Long Beach, California. We invite you to attend #WAI23 and share your knowledge and expertise with our participants including aviation and aerospace professionals, students aspiring to a variety of industry careers, and passionate recreational aviators. Your audience will include women and men from all aviation segments including career, flying, history, innovation, maintenance/tech ops, military, and personal development. Presentations should be one hour including time for questions and answers. For information on our past education sessions, or details on how to submit your proposed topic, visit or email
WAI2023 presentation proposals are currently being reviewed. You will be notified once proposals have been selected.
Proposed topics with a 100-word abstract as well as an outline of the presentation, your name, title, affiliation, and a brief biography of the speaker(s) are due by August 15, 2022. If selected you will be asked to submit a 30-word abstract of your topic for publication in the WAI2023 conference program.
Please note: Participation is on a volunteer basis; however, speakers are provided a discounted conference registration rate. Each presenter is responsible for his or her own transportation, lodging, meals, registration, and parking. This is not a venue for promoting commercial products or services, or presenting “infomercials.”
*If you are wanting to inquire about being a Keynote Speaker, please email for more information.
2023 International Women in Aviation Conference
Education Sessions
Girls in Aviation Day Long Beach